Cart v Horse – which comes first?
Or, in a motor insurance claim scenario, “Vehicle vs Livestock” - who wins? Motor insurance claims managers will, at some time, have a claim involving collisio [...]
SX3 Extends its Associate Network to Include Ireland
SX3's professional associate network now includes claims experts resident in Ireland. Until now, SX3 Associates, numbering over 40 experienced Claims profession [...]
Becoming an Associate in SX3 Claims
During the past six years SX3 has engaged with a wide range of claims professionals with over 60 becoming SX3 Associates. Phil Rawlings, well known for his long [...]
Making Claims – Adrian Gilbert overviews major claims industry developments
It’s been a busy 6 months in the claims world, with an array of developments demanding attention. The audit season has been particularly busy here and there wer [...]
Could you be an SX3 Consultant?
SX3 is expanding its network of Associate Consultants. Of particular interest are individuals with a background in motor claims management, including: Technical [...]