General Election 2017 – opportunity or obstacle?
The ABI's Director General - Huw Evans - had this to say on the impact of the snap election announcement: "To listen to some of the pessimism expressed within o [...]
Markerstudy launches dash cam product
The retail division of the insurer has set up a telematics product available to brokers via its Masterquote platform. Markerstudy Retail is launching a new prod [...]
Discount Rate: Revised Ogden tables released
Ogden tables now published The Government Actuary's Department has published supplementary tables to the 7th edition of the Ogden Tables to reflect the recent c [...]
Whiplash and small claims limits inquiry launched
The Justice Committee launches a short inquiry into Part 5 of the Prisons and Courts Bill on road traffic accident (RTA) related 'whiplash' claims, and on Gover [...]
MoJ confirms £5k limit only for whiplash claims
The government today confirmed it will increase the small claims limit to £5,000 – but only for whiplash claims. Announcing the Prisons and Courts Bill, the Mi [...]